Friday, October 31, 2014

Undertanding The Patient With Anxiety Issues

Panic attack
Panic attack (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: This chart shows the lifetime prevale...
English: This chart shows the lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders found in the Epidemiological Catchment Area Study. Data from: L. N. Robins and D. A. Regier, Eds. Psychiatric Disorders in America: The Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study. New York, NY: The Free Press. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety
English: Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: An anxious person
English: An anxious person (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Millions of Americans need help to deal with anxiety related health problems. If your patient reports anxiety to you when you take a medical history then you should report it to the doctor. Screenings for anxiety and depression are now part of routine check ups. What really is anxiety? Many people are anxious when they come to see the doctor for any reason. If a patient’s blood pressure is high and it is not part of their medical history to have hypertension there is a good chance anxiety is the cause. Taking the blood pressure again after the patient has settled in the exam room sometimes solves this issue.  Having a base understanding of anxiety is good for any Medical Assistant to help them understand this common patient issue.

Anxiety is a natural emotion that all humans experience. It is both a physiological state and a psychological state. It is a state of reaction to a perceived threat real or imaginary  causes people stress on all levels of experiences: cognitive, physical, and emotional. It determines that way we act in situations that generally trigger fear. Many people suffer from a generalized state of anxiety unable to understand what triggered it. It can manifest itself in panic attacks or just a state of constant worry and depression.
Anxiety is not always a non rational response to one's environment. It can be a normal reaction to everyday stress and the uneasiness can push us to complete tasks that it would be our natural inclination to avoid. A student feeling mild anxiety over an upcoming test might be inclined to study.
A student feeling severe anxiety about a test may be so paralyzed by fear that they cannot take a test at all. The measure or good motivational anxiety and pathological anxiety are a very personal thing. No one suffering panic attacks is experiencing motivational anxiety , but a child anxious to pass a test may be motivated to put up the videogame and study by a little anxiety.
There are different types of anxiety disorders. One type is a spiritual anxiety called existential anxiety. This tends to be the type of disorder freshman in college experience when they learn to think critically and realize that life is more complicated than it appears. They are no longer sure of the safe guards’ of meaning and purpose in life that they grew up with. This can be seen as a positive anxiety as it motivates people to define their own purpose in life and pick their own spiritual path.
Older people may again question the meaning of their lives in middle age. Again, a little anxiety is a good motivation to reevaluate the purpose of your life. This type of anxiety is best addressed by spiritual advisors and life coaches. It is part of the growth of spiritual and emotional maturity to realize that the decision you make in life determine your purpose and meaning
There are situational events that will trigger anxiety to some degree in almost all people. Most people will experience anxiety before a test. Still, for most people this is motivation that causes them to adopt positive actions to pass the test. It becomes pathological anxiety when it causes a person to be so consumed by fear they cannot take the test. This is also true; when it comes  to stranger anxiety and social anxiety. If a person is wary of strangers and avoids walking in dark streets for fear of getting mugged, then most would agree that is rational anxiety. If a person refuses to leave their house for fear of meeting any stranger on the street, it becomes a mental health issue
Most people do not suffer from an anxiety disorder to the point they will not leave the house. More likely people seek treatment for anxiety disorders when they suffer from panic attacks. They become flushed, sweat, and shake. Some people experience chest pain and think they are having some sort of coronary attack. Many people report feeling they are 'dying" during a panic attack. Many people will head to the emergency room when they have their first panic attack.
Many people do not know what triggers a panic attack. They will generally develop a fear of the environment that triggered the first panic attack. If you had a panic attack driving to the mall you would then probably not want to drive to the mall. Still the underlying cause of the panic attack; most likely had nothing to do with driving to the mall. Behavioral therapy helps people find the true triggers for their anxiety and helps them see their fears in a rational light. The goal of behavioral therapy is to give practical ways to behaving that stave off a panic attack.
There are other mental health disorders associated with anxiety. Post traumatic stress syndrome is one where the experience of a traumatic event keeps promoting a reaction of depression, anger, and anxiety long after the traumatic event has passed. It is usually a combination of medication and therapy that help people with this type of anxiety.
Obsessive compulsive disorder can also be seen as an anxiety disorder. People channel their anxiety into obsessive behaviors in order to feel in control of their environment. Unfortunately ,the obsessive and compulsive behaviors of these individuals become as source of increased anxiety of which the individual has no control. Again, medication with therapy is the approach most medical professional use to deal with OCD.
In the general category of anxiety there are a number of disorders that can affect the individual. The following are all considered anxiety disorders; Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Specific Phobia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Acute Stress Disorder.
Many anxiety disorders are more common in women than men. Conditions like Post Traumatic stress however, will affect a significant amount of males who have served in the military, as opposed to a male just in the general population.
There appears to be biochemical and genetic factors that lead to anxiety disorders. Most people can find some relief from symptoms in cognitive / behavioral therapy and medication. Some people suffering from a generalized state of anxiety unable to identify a true trigger will opt to control symptoms with just medication.
The fast paced nature of life in the world today probably means we will be seeing an increase in individuals with some sort of anxiety disorder. Relaxation techniques and stress relieving exercises and family time can help most people deal with the anxiety of everyday life. People should avoid using recreational drugs and alcohol to self treat anxiety symptoms as an issue with substance abuse could develop.

If your patient is anxious to the point it affects their every day work and family relations they seek out professional help. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Understanding Steriods in Patient Treatments

Various anabolic steroids. Author: Wikidudeman...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Generic structure of the steroids, numbered
Generic structure of the steroids, numbered (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Steroids are prescribed for numerous conditions including in high does to treat conditions like cancers(in conjunction with chemotherapy and for most autoimmune disorders Steroids are used in small does and most people will find themselves starting at a higher dose and , “stepping down” to a lower dose. Depending on the condition you are being treated for you will find yourself stopping them completely or staying on a maintained dose.
It is amazing how many conditions are treated with steroids. Lupus, rheumatic fever, severe asthma, and even organ transplant patients will find themselves using steroids. It also is administered in many different forms. There are steroid creams for skin conditions, sprays, shots, and pills.
Steroids act on the body by decreasing inflammation. Dexmethsone is a common steroid prescribed for pain. However predisolone may also be used to treat pain. The use of steroids in palliative care in the elderly has become wide spread. Steroid can interact with mineral absorption and cause elderly patients to be more inclined to weakening in bones and joints. The benefits of treatment for chronic pain of steroids as a whole is something doctors will consider if you are prescribe steroids for strictly pain control.
The degree of side effects you can expect from steroid usage is really dependent on dose. These are the most common side effects and some solutions to them
Heartburn – Steroids like aspirin can upset your stomach. It helps to take steroid with a meal and possibly with milk.
Mood Swinging-Most people fell anxious and more emotional on steroids. Try not to take yourself too seriously if you find yourself feeling this way. Avoid emotionally stressful situations if you can during your steroid therapy
Insomnia- Steroids can give you an adrenal rush so avoid taking you medicine right before bed. It is ideal to take you doses as early as possible to avoid this side effect
Weight gain- Steroids tend to make you retain water and have a huge appetite. Your weight will eventually return to normal after therapy has stopped. If you eat more doing treatment tries to stick with fruits, nuts, and other healthy snacks.
Increase in Acne: Many people find the acne they had outgrown in adolescence returning with steroid use. Home remedies and over the counter acne treatments should minimize this side effect.

Some of the more serious side effects are only likely to occur with long term treatment. Vision problems like glaucoma or cataracts can occur during treatment. Any changes in your vision when receiving steroid treatment should be reported to your doctor. Blood pressure and blood sugar increase in people being treated with steroid therapy. The doctor may need to adjust the dosage of any high blood pressure medicine you now take to keep you hypertension under control. The same is true if you are a diabetic, the doctor may adjust your insulin.
Steroids lowers your immune system .To be on the safe side avoid contact with people you know are ill. It is also good to avoid people who have recently been vaccinated and to no be vaccinated you during steroid treatment.

People on long term steroids can develop some odd problems that the doctor will be looking for. Call your doctor if you develop a swollen face. This is known as,”Cushing syndrome “and your doctor will want to know about it. Your doctor also will monitor you for weaker bones and muscles that can occur as a result of long term steroid use.

Buttock injections are a common way for patients to recieve steriods.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Are You Showing A Professional Attitude At Work?

What Constitutes A Professional Attitude In An Allied Health Professional ?

Patients come to us stressed and uncomfortable, even if they are not at thier best to do our best we need to keep a professional attitutude.
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It is not enough to have the appearance of a professional , but you must have the right attitude to be an effective professional.
It is not enough to have the appearance of a professional , but you must have the right attitude to be an effective professional.
Source: Morguefile

No Patient Likes Being At The Doctor or Dentist

The first quality an allied health professional has to have is a professional attitude. This means the ability to not be influence by the negative attitude of the patient or their family. Many times as an allied health professional you will be facing a situation where the caregiver and the patient are stressed. It does not mean that every patient or caretaker that you encounter is in crisis, but simply dealing with medical issues and medical bureaucracy can put even the cheeriest individuals into a dour mood.
Dental Assisting is part of the allied health professions. When was the last time you woke up saying,” I have been looking forward to visiting the dentist all week;” on the day you have a dental appointment. You are not in crisis, but you would no doubt rather be somewhere else. You might find yourself grumpy and less inclined to be corporative. You patients are experiencing the same thing.
Patient's tend to be stressed just by walking into the medical office. Being positive and friendly can help set them at ease.
Patient's tend to be stressed just by walking into the medical office. Being positive and friendly can help set them at ease.
Source: By Bill Branson (photographer) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

It may not be a crisis but patient's are anxious !

If you are employed as a medical assistant or dental assistant in an urgent care facility the situation is more crises oriented. Patients are usually stressed by pain bad enough to visit the urgent care office. Caretakers are worried. Both have had their normal routine, weekend, or workday interrupted. In these setting it is important to show positive attitude and not take any bad behavior on the part of the patient personally, this is especially true when getting long patient histories.
Patients are obviously anxious to see the doctor; they do not necessarily remember when they had their tonsils out when they were a small child. Take answers as you get them. Medication lists are more important you may just have to encourage them to remember the dosages and exact names. If they need to call home to find out from someone there who can look at the bottles encourage them to do so.

Activities like putting on a skimpy hospital gown may violate some cultural norms for some patients.
Activities like putting on a skimpy hospital gown may violate some cultural norms for some patients.
Source: Morguefile

When there is high patient drama

If you are employed as a medical assistant or dental assistant in an urgent care facility the situation is more crises oriented. Patients are usually stressed by pain bad enough to visit the urgent care office. Caretakers are worried. Both have had their normal routine, weekend, or workday interrupted. In these setting it is important to show positive attitude and not take any bad behavior on the part of the patient personally, this is especially true when getting long patient histories.
Patients are obviously anxious to see the doctor; they do not necessarily remember when they had their tonsils out when they were a small child. Take answers as you get them. Medication lists are more important you may just have to encourage them to remember the dosages and exact names. If they need to call home to find out from someone there who can look at the bottles encourage them to do so.

When patients are seriously ill the stress level rises for the patient , family, and professional staff that care for them.
When patients are seriously ill the stress level rises for the patient , family, and professional staff that care for them.
Source: Morquefile

Communicating Past Obstacles: Dealing with Diversity

Other aspects of a professional attitude include the ability communicate. Since you deal with different cultural populations this means you may have to learn something about the different cultures that you come in contact with. In some cultures there are huge divides put between men and women. A male patient may be unwilling to undress for an exam while you are in the room or even see them in an examination gown. In these cases you must be flexible. If the patient is there for a checkup there is no reason that they have to remove more than restrictive clothing. Also if you patient history asks about things of a very personal nature you may have to get a same sexed assistant to take the history. Do act negatively to request from patients who want to preserve and practice their cultural identity. Keep a positive attitude and be flexible.
There are obviously thing that you should know before you become an allied health professional like the practice standards at the organization that you work for. It part of basic ethical behavior to adapt to these standards and uphold them. If they conflict with your personal beliefs say around reproductive rights or other social issues you must reconcile your behavior to the practice standards. If you can not do this you need to seek employment elsewhere. It is a given that you uphold privacy standards and always protect patient confidentiality.
Communication can be difficult with non English speaking patients. Here again do not get anxious or frustrated. Do the best you can. Many times the patient or caregiver will speak a little English or broken English. Do not make assumptions but get the best amount of information you can and ask for help. If someone else in the office or a translator from a social organization is available use them. Remember if it is taking extra time to get the right information or give information the patient needs you are doing your job. Schedules in medical offices get backed up all the time. Doctors get called away on emergencies or find more complex medical issues when doing exams and get of schedule. You need to be able to go with the flow, while being as dependable as possible.
The difficulty of communication can also happen with the disabled. If you know a disabled patient is coming in make preparations beforehand. If you do not know sign language has a note pad available to be able to write notes back and forth. Do not address personal questions about the patient to the caregiver unless absolutely necessary. It is extremely rude and patients find it dehumanizing. This rule also applies to the elderly again patience and flexibility are professional attitude you will need when dealing with diverse patient populations.


Diverse Patient Populations

Self Care Prevents Burnout

Remember your job is stressful and you may not always be at your best. If you were up all night with a sick kid, you may not be on top of your game. Your personal life should never really affect your professional life but in truth it does. If you normally work through your breaks and lunch hour to catch up on paper work, don’t do it on days you are stressed and if you never ask for help do so. Taking the pressure off yourself will help you maintain a professional attitude on ‘bad days”

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Was An Old Medical Assistant Who Lived And Worked In Great Shoes

Ask any professional in the medical and nursing industry, that’s on their feet all day long, what the greatest necessity is to working long hours standing or running from place to place, and it’s going to be “a good pair of shoes”. Not only do you need good sturdy shoes for healthy feet and legs but they need to be practical for your environment. It would be dangerous to have slick soles on a hard hospital floor or wet surfaces. A proper pair of shoes will not only protect your health, but help with your overall well being.

Medical footwear goes beyond the old white nursing shoes of yesteryear. As medical uniforms and scrubs have evolved to be a statement of their wearer, so now has the footwear that goes with them. You aren’t limited to just the plain white sneaker type shoe. You can have a spectrum of colors and styles from the leading brands in medical clothing.

You can get the latest from Landau, Dansko, Dickies, Collegiate, Nurse Mates, Klogs USA, and Urbane. Each brand brings its particular style and flare to their shoes.

If you are looking for the industry standard you should  Dansko brand. You can choose from the most sophisticated, like the Beacon Hill Collection to the sporty like the Next Gen collection, all designed to bring you the support and comfort you need. Dansko’s shoes are great for those of us with high arches. Dansko offers excellent arch support for those precious feet that keep you standing all day long.

Ladies, do you need to match that new Urbane top? Well, you can match it perfectly with the Urbane clog, Impulse. The Impulse is colored in the same exact colors as Urbane’s scrubs and uniforms. If you find you need you need your shoes to breath try the Transit Mesh.

Are you a college sports fan? You want your shoes to show your team spirit? You can show your support with Landau’s Impulse Collegiate shoes.

Do you find you need something a bit more simple to be more comfortable? Try shoes from Klogs USA. You get an open back that lets your feet breath. Have the support without the constraining feeling of a full shoe. Klogs has new offerings today that can be worn in the medical field and also worn out on a hot night on the town.

If you are one of those folks that need a really sturdy shoe that is protected from the elements, try the Dickies brand . Each of their styles is waterproof and UV and chemical resistant. If you need a tough shoe try a tough name.

Want to stick to a brand that’s been around for over forty years? Then Nurse Mates is the one for you. From slip-ons to lace-ups, and from open-back to classics, you can the tried and true styles that made , this company famous. Nurse Mates also makes compression hose to make your feet totally comfortable during those long shifts.

So no matter the type, the color or the brand, online retailers can fit you in the perfect medical and
n ursing shoe for you.